THE ARMS ISSUES of 1902-20 (Russian Philately) Stamp Collecting 1980
THE ARMS ISSUES OF 1902-20 (Russian Philately). Rev. L. L. Tann, THE CANADIAN SOCIETY OF RUSSIAN PHILATELY, Toronto, Canada, 1980.
Author's Preface, General Introduction to Russian Philately, Brief Note on the Design used for many of Imperial Russia's stamps, The 1889-94 Series, forerunner to the 1902 Issue, Note on Listings and Rarity used in this Handbook, The 1902-06 Issue, The intervening Years & Preparations for the new 1909 Issue, The Issued Stamps of the 1909-1919 Issue, Issues of the Revolutionary Period 1917-20, Re-evaluation and use in the Society Period, The 1916 Surcharges, Russian Imperial Postal Stationery 1902-1917, Grading of Postmarks, Railway and Steamship Postmarks, Wartime Postmarks, The Grand Duchy of Finland, Additional Notes on the Arms Stamps, Used Abroad-All China, Russian Steamship Mail in the Far East, Bukhara, Khiva and Posts in Persia, Used Abroad-Russian Posts in the Turkish Empire, Brief Survey of Overprints & Surcharges in the Revolutionary Period, A Brief Outline of Field Post Offices and Arms Stamps used during the Allied Intervention.
Plus three Addendum's, maps and illustrations. 11 x 8-1/2 with 257 pages. Privately printed by the author. Scarce!